
UK: A split ticket function has been added to the Virgin Trains Ticketing booking app, but the company says this is intended as stopgap ‘while passengers and the rail industry wait for long overdue fare reforms’.

Virgin Trains Ticketing is part of Virgin Red, Virgin’s group-wide rewards scheme.

‘Split tickets is just a sticking plaster on the bigger issue of complicated rail fares in the UK’, said Virgin Trains Ticketing Director Mark Plowright on March 13. ’Passengers shouldn’t need to split their tickets to get the best deal; rail fares should be simple, easy to understand and offer the best value for money.

’When we launched the Virgin Trains Ticketing app in June 2022, we genuinely hoped that meaningful fares reform would have already been introduced to negate the need for split tickets, but unfortunately that’s not yet happened.

‘While we wait, we’ve made the decision to invest in the functionality to ensure our customers can get the cheapest fares.’