4 Vectrony MS dla DB Cargo Polska (11)

DB Cargo Polska has taken delivery of a further four Siemens Mobility Vectron MS locomotives approved for Poland and the Czech Republic. The locomotives were purchased with the support of EU funds, in co-operation with the Centre for EU Transport Projects, and are decorated with designs from fantastic realism artist Jarosław Jaśnikowski and branded to mark the European Year of Rail.

TMH Bryansk 2TE25KM locomotive for Navoi Mining & Metallurgical Co

TMH Bryansk has shipped two 2TE25KM main line freight diesel locomotives to Uzbekistan’s Navoi Mining & Metallurgical Co under a contract signed in the first half of 2021. The mining company already has four of the locos built 2019-20, which haul trains of more than 6 000 tonnes

Aurizon Bulk is to deploy Navis’ cloud-based Rail Operations System software to support locomotive and crew shift and roster planning. ‘Railways not only need the quantitative tools for optimising asset utilisation; they also need to develop plans and perform “what-if” analysis with a finite amount of staffing’, said Tom Forbes, the Head of Navis Rail. ‘Systems such as Navis Rail help to preserve the institutional knowledge of a rail organisation, which is endangered in the current business environment.’

The European Rail Freight Association board has re-elected BLS Cargo CEO Dirk Stahl and Managing Director of the Land Transport Chamber of Commerce of Poland Maciej Gladyga as President and Vice-President for two-year terms. ‘The association is now well positioned ahead of some legislative revisions which will play an important role in determining whether rail freight is in a position to reach the European Union’s objective of 50% growth in volumes by 2030’, said ERFA Secretary General Conor Feighan.


Tabea Klang has been appointed as Managing Director of Sales at Shanghai-based DB Cargo Eurasia from December 1.

The US Department of Transportation has awarded a $22m Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability & Equity grant to the South Dakota Freight Capacity Expansion Project, which will fund improvements to 260 km of main line on Genesee & Wyoming’s Rapid City, Pierre & Eastern Railroad. The project is also supported by $20m from the state of South Dakota as well as a $42m commitment from RCP&E.
