Long Reads – Page 2

  • Sao-Paulo-Line-17-construction-photo-Metro-SP(2)
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    Brazil: São Paulo stands out in uneven picture


    Metro, monorail and suburban rail extensions totalling 39km are now being built in São Paulo, but several of the other fastest-growing Brazilian cities, including Rio de Janeiro, have no major projects currently under way, despite optimism among suppliers. Benjámin Zelki reports.

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    Interview: Making trains even greener


    Wabtec Transit CEO Pascal Schweitzer explains to Nick Kingsley how the tier one supplier is innovating in areas such as brake design and air-conditioning agents to further enhance the sustainability of rolling stock.

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    Egypt: Safely expanding Cairo’s rail network


    TÜV Nord acted as the independent safety assessment body for Egypt’s Capital Train electric suburban railway that opened last year to link Cairo with 10th Ramadan City and the New Administrative Capital. Lead Safety Auditor Karin Seibold explains the company’s role in ensuring the line’s safe operation to Benjámin Zelki.

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    Colombia: Bogotá’s Regiotram schemes face mounting hurdles


    Completion of the first line in the planned Regiotram tram-train network in the Colombian capital has been delayed following intervention by the National Authority for Environmental Licences, reports Christian Scasso.

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    Interview: Investing to create an inclusive metro


    One of few metros around the world which does not receive a subsidy for day-to-day operations, Metro de Santiago can still allocate around 30% of its farebox revenues for future investment. General Manager Felipe Bravo tells Benjámin Zelki about its expansion plans, signalling upgrades, rolling stock renewal and achieving social inclusion goals.

  • Barcelona-Line-5-terminus
    Urban In Depth

    Comment: Bright light in Barcelona


    The UITP summit in Barcelona emphasised the importance of public transport in supporting cities, the economy and the planet, while addressing the challenges of climate change and post-covid travel patterns. Chris Jackson reflects on the conference as a platform for collaboration to secure the future of public transport.

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    Technology: Putting rail at the heart of digital mobility


    Rail and metro can be at the heart of a truly intermodal digital mobility landscape that can decongest cities worldwide, but more ambition and political intervention is needed to make this vision a reality.

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    France: Making the switch to digital tickets in Ile-de-France


    Public transport in the Ile-de-France area is switching to digital ticketing, reports Jérémie Anne.

  • es-Barcelona-Line9-Nord-Singuerlin-TMB
    Metro Report International

    Automation: Seizing the opportunities for metro modernisation


    An increasing trend towards the automation and digitalisation of metro networks will be a focus for discussion at the forthcoming UITP Global Public Transport Summit, being held in Barcelona on June 4-7 under the theme ‘Bright Light of the City’.

  • Wiener-Linien-Siemens-Mobility-Series-X-train-at-InnoTrans-2022-(2)
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    Austria: A transport network for everyone


    Emerging EU legislation on accessibility will put stronger regulatory requirements on public transport operators to ensure their services are open to all. Faced with a mix of modes including a large legacy tramway, Wien operator Wiener Linien is making steady progress towards meeting this challenge. Toma Bačić reports.

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    Algeria: Urban projects back on track


    Flush with higher revenues from oil and natural gas exports, Algeria has restarted extensions to the capital city’s metro and is unfreezing tram projects that had been put on ice. Christian Scasso reports.

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    USA: Hurricane-resistant workshop inaugurated


    A ‘storm-resilient’ depot has opened to serve New York City Transit’s Staten Island Railway.

  • Rail-milling-in-the-metro-track-of-Wiener-Linien
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    Austria: Mobile milling supports preventive rail maintenance


    Wiener Linien has been exploring how a combination of mobile milling and investment in premium rail steels can help to optimise its maintenance costs and move from reactive to preventive interventions on its metro lines.

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    Australia: Bankstown Line conversion takes shape


    Work is forging ahead to convert a 13 km section of the Sydney Trains suburban network to form part of the city’s automated metro. Nick Kingsley asked Sydney Metro Project Director Hugh Lawson to explain.

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    Light rail: Ridership bounces back as Nordic cities embrace the tram


    The Covid-19 pandemic caused some cities across Scandinavia to question future investment in light rail, but a strong ridership recovery means the case for projects remains strong across much of the region.

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    Technology: Unlocking the next level of MaaS


    Advanced technical functionalities are already available to support a One-Stop-Shop for Mobility as a Service, offering a viable multi-modal alternative to private car use, but greater collaboration and regulatory reform are needed to harness the opportunities.

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    Germany: Farm shop concept spurs freight tram revival


    Initially developed as a student project, a mobile ‘farm shop’ retail and freight service using a converted tram-train is being proposed for use on the regional rail network around Karlsruhe. This in turn could offer a more viable business model for other cargo tram initiatives.

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    Technology: Keeping track of tram-trains


    Enhanced control and supervision tools have been deployed to improve the operation of tram-trains around Karlsruhe, where portion working is a common but complicated process.

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    Brazil: making more use of urban railways


    Better utilisation of under-used main line railways is seen as key to developing cost-effective urban and suburban rail networks that can relieve road congestion in Brazil’s fast-growing cities. Benjámin Zelki investigates.

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    Canada: Generational change will transform travel


    A multi-billion dollar investment programme will change the way people use public transport in Canada’s most populated area, with GO Expansion bringing frequent all-day electric train services to routes across the Toronto region.