UKRAINIAN Railways General Manager Volodimir Kozak attended celebrations at Ogultsy station on September 20 to mark the formal completion of electrification of the route between Kyiv and Kharkiv.

Work to electrify the missing section between Yahotin and Radnarkomivska began in 1994, with the extension of 25kV wires from Yahotin to Hrebinka. Electrification reached Bozhkove in 2004, and Kolomak in December 2006. Work on the final 53·9km to Radnarkomivska began in early 2007 at a cost of 106m hryvnia.

The next day Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych joined Kozak at Luhansk to mark the arrival of to the first electric train on the 78km line from Debaltsevo, electrified at 3kV DC at a cost of 138m hryvnia. The next route to go under 25kV 50Hz wires will be Konotop - Vorozhba.

  • On September 26 a consortium incorporating Tchas Ostrava and Trnavská Stavebná Spolocnost formally completed an KS858m remodelling of Poprad-Tatry station in Slovakia. Work included upgrading of 13 km of track and 9·5 km of 3 kV DC overhead line, and resignalling with an ESA 11 interlocking from AZD Praha
