SOUTH CENTRAL Florida Express is using RMI's mCrew interface for remote train crew reporting, allowing the short line to manage a fleet of wagons used in the time-critical movement of harvested sugar cane from parent company US Sugar's fields to the Clewiston and Bryant mills.

Staff operating the elevators on the 170 km railway use laptop computers to report wagon loadings. The data is transmitted to RMI's RailConnect web portal, which provides access to a suite of proprietary information services. SCFE has 18 locos equipped with satellite links, allowing train crew to use hand-held computers to access the latest data and report wagon movements, improving communication and eliminating the clerical support required by the previous paper-based system.

Heather Banky of US Sugar said mCrew 'provides the capability to track each car loaded or empty, as well as when and where it was loaded. Railroad operations will use the information for day-to-day logistics planning, and this program will become the building block for future improvements.'

