AT THE behest of Bavarian Transport Minister Otto Wiesheu, German Railway has been asked to examine proposals to increase capacity for cross-city services in München. Specifically, he wants DB to assess the feasibility of upgrading the southern ring linking the main station and the Ostbahnhof, with four tracks throughout and links to existing lines.

Another idea is to bore a second S-Bahn tunnel parallel to the heavily used link via Marienplatz and Isartor; signalling on this route is already being upgraded to reduce headways.

A third option, known as München 21, is more ambitious. This would see the present main terminus replaced by a through sub-surface station, with long-distance trains continuing in tunnel under the city. A new station would provide interchange to U-Bahn Lines 3 and 6; either at Odeonsplatz to the north of the S-Bahn tunnel or Sendlingertorplatz to the south.
