
Organisation: California High Speed Rail Authority
Location: United States of America


The California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) issued on August 2, 2023, a Request for Expressions of Interest (RFEI) to request Expressions of Interest (EOI) from qualified entities (Responders) interested and able (currently or in the future) to provide UIC60 rail, manufactured and tested in the United States of America, and in accordance with the European Standard EN 13674-1. Issuing this RFEI does not commence a procurement or obligate the Authority to commence a procurement or award a contract. EOIs received from Responders will not be scored but will be used to identify potential sources of UIC60 rail. Entities are not required to respond to this RFEI to participate in future procurements, but information provided through EOIs may impact the Authority’s future planning for procurement of rail. Additional information can be found here: www.caleprocure.ca.gov/event/2665/HSR23-19  A virtual industry forum will be held on Wednesday, August 9, 2023, 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. Registration for the virtual industry forum can be found here: hsr-ca-gov.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_xG82UM_ORi6cLuHwGIDHAg