Ukraine parcel (Photo Rail Partners)

UKRAINE: Nearly 7 500 food parcels have been delivered to Ukrainian railway employees and their families using £106 000 raised by UK industry association Rail Partners.

The packages include oil, sugar, flour, salt, pasta, rice, corn and wheat cereals, canned fish and meat, pate, tea and biscuits, all sourced from local companies in Ukraine. Household cleaning products have also been supplied to rail workers living in temporary accommodation after being forced to flee Russia’s full-scale invasion.

The money was raised at a fundraising event in London last September.

It fed into a wider effort by the Global Ukraine Rail Task Force which has also received support from American, Norwegian and Swedish rail companies.

Delivery was arranged by the charity WE Aid with distribution by the Trade Union of Railway Workers & Transport Builders of Ukraine.

‘We have focused on working together with Ukraine’s rail trade union to provide large food packages and water to rail sector workers and their families who have given so much to the Ukrainian rail sector and are often called the second army’, said Chair of the Global Ukraine Rail Task Force Jolene Molitoris on May 23.

‘Together, all of us in the global rail family can make a real difference to the lives of rail compatriots in Ukraine.’