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UK: The use of RealWear head-mounted displays to help digitalise workflows during track renewal works is being tested by automation company Intoware and the Central Railway Systems Alliance of Network Rail, Balfour Beatty, Atkins and TSO.

Network Rail - HMT1

The project aims to help standardise data collection and reporting, replacing legacy paper-based processes with an easy-to-use and adaptable ‘connected worker’ approach with step-by-step instructions provided using augmented reality.

The aim is ‘working smarter not harder, and ensuring we get it right first time’, said Chloe Denham, Programme Manager, Innovation & Continuous Improvement at the Central Railway Systems Alliance.

‘Workers can go completely hands-free via voice-controlled headsets and collect data supported by images, video, emergency calling and GPS integration for reliable referencing enabling a consistent approach to renewals.’