All Urban news articles – Page 18

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    Wien and Barcelona sign metro co-operation agreement


    AUSTRIA: Barcelona transport operator TMB is to assist Wiener Linien in the development of the Wien U-Bahn network, including the modernisation of line U2 and construction of the driverless line U5.The agreement signed on September 29 is valid for three years with the possibility of being extended.TMB said Wiener Linien ...

  • Solaris Bus & Coach has won orders to supply 12 Urbino 12 electric buses to ATB Bergamo and 10 similar vehicles to ATM Milano.

    Solaris wins battery bus orders


    ITALY: Solaris Bus & Coach has won orders to supply 12 Urbino 12 electric buses to ATB Bergamo and 10 similar vehicles to ATM Milano. The buses will have Medcom electrical equipment, with the ZF AVE 130 axles with two 125 kW integrated traction motors powered from a 240 kWh ...

  • President Trump's budget proposals for the 2018 financial year include swingeing cuts to federal urban transport investment grants.
    Metro Report International

    APTA reiterates Trump budget cut concern


    USA: The American Public Transportation Association has reiterated its disappointment about the urban transport funding aspects of President Donald Trump’s proposed 2018 budget.The Trump administration has reaffirmed its proposal to phase out the Capital Improvement Grants programme and eliminate the TIGER (Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery) grants, despite Congress rejecting ...

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    Metro Report International

    Court backs Bombardier in Ontario LRV dispute


    CANADA: Ontario provincial transport authority Metrolinx cannot immediately cancel a contract with Bombardier Transportation for the supply of 182 light rail vehicles without compensating the manufacturer, a court ruled on April 19.Metrolinx had launched legal proceedings against Bombardier over what it claimed were a series of delays to the production ...

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    Sydney EMU order to cope with growth


    AUSTRALIA: A further build of double-deck EMUs for the Sydney Trains suburban network forms the centrepiece of an A$1·5bn capital investment programme announced by New South Wales Transport Minister Andrew Constance on December 1. Designed to provide ‘an urgent uplift in customer service’, the More Trains, More Services programme is ...

  • News

    Metro news


    Argentina: Revised plans for the redevelopment of the Retiro complex in Buenos Aires unveiled by the city government include a metro station on the proposed Line H and a relocated terminus for Trainmet’s San Martín commuter services. A light rail line from Retiro to the Puerto Madero waterfront development area ...