
DB is testing a 300 m section of noise barrier just 760 mm high alongside tracks at Celle-Garßen, aiming to reduce noise in the immediate vicinity of the source. The results of a national programme to test methods of reducing noise are to be presented next year.

Trelleborg Industrial AVS has developed a high-temperature version of its Metalastik Metacone mountings, Vee mounts and buffer springs suitable for use in engine compartments. They can take loadings from 200 to 1500 kg, and according to Trelleborg are ideally suited for underfloor engine mountings.

Network Rail is using ‘molecular taggent’ from RedWeb Technologies to mark cables and other equipment in northeast England in an effort to catch thieves by linking them to crime scenes. A dye which remains on skin and clothing for several days contains an encrypted tag which can be traced to a specific location.
