BvL Pacific is intended for wheelset cleaning.

BVL OBERFLÄCHENTECHNIK: The Emsbüren-based company will showcase two component cleaning tools at InnoTrans 2018.

BvL Pacific is intended for wheelset cleaning and can be installed in an inspection pit and connected to a local floorloader system. A bespoke nozzle provides even water application to the components even in difficult-to-reach parts of the wheelset. A camera unit allows the operator to supervise all angles of the cleaning process.

Stator cleaning is the aim of the turntable-based OceanRW. It is equipped with a central spray lance, which allows intensive external cleaning and internal cleaning of the components. This basic model is manufactured with flexibly adjustable nozzle frames for cleaning components of different sizes. Copper windings can also be completely dried using this tool, the company says.
