CONSULTANTS have recommended a two-stage programme to launch through running of Bremen tram services onto regional rail routes. Depending on the size of the dual-mode network, traffic is estimated to increase by up to 50%.

Because through running can be introduced at relatively low cost on routes serving Nordenham and Oldenburg, the consultants suggested these should be the first to convert to dual-mode operation. Investment of DM28m is proposed to build links between tram and rail routes, to add eight stops on the Nordenham line and one on the Oldenburg branch, and to acquire dual-mode vehicles. Work could be completed by 2004, allowing a three-level service to be launched.

A second stage costing DM132m could see dual-mode vehicles running on the routes to Osterholz and Rotenburg, and on the branch to Oyten (MR99 p35). Bremer Strassenbahn is in the meantime investigating cheaper alternatives.
