REPRESENTATIVES from China, Kirgizistan and Uzbekistan signed an agreement in the Uzbek capital Toshkent in June for a technical and economic feasibility study into construction of a rail link into western China. According to Uzbek Vice-Premier Rustam Junussows, the three countries also signed an accord on the management of transit traffic between China and the CIS Central Asian states.
Rising to over 3000m to cross the Tyan-Shan mountains, the line would link the Uzbek city of Andizhan with the Chinese city of Kashi, which will be the terminus of the South Xinjiang Railway now under construction. The first 50 km will be in Uzbekistan, taking the line to Osh, second biggest city in Kirgizistan. The 600 km from Osh to Irkeshtam will more than double the Kirgizian rail network, before the line crosses into China for a 200 km descent to Kashi.
The route is seen as offering a direct link from the Pacific Rim to the Central Asian states and parts of southern Europe. As well as transit traffic, the line is expected to capture local business; South Korea’s automotive group Daewoo already sends 500 containers a month to Andizhan for local assembly. o