DANISH infrastructure authority Banestyrelsen signed a contract in May for the implementation of an automated staff management system from Trapeze Software. The system is already being used by Banverket in Sweden, and by the Roslagståg consortium of DSB and BK Tåg which took over Stockholm’s narrow-gauge Roslagsbanen suburban network on January 7.

Heart of the operating software is Trapeze Duty Manager, which was originally developed for bus operators. It provides day-to-day rostering of crews and maintains a database of employee competences and shift patterns. Subsystems handle medium and long-term planning and short-term alterations, planned and unplanned absences and training requirements.

Customised display screens, with colour-coding for quick reference and drag-and-drop allocation functions, allow easy assignment of staff to the required duties, and any labour rule violations are flagged up automatically.

The Trapeze Account subsystem calculates wages payments for export to most automated payroll management systems. Statistical data can be reported by day, employee or to suit many other customised reporting structures.

Trapeze Software Europe A/S, Denmark

Reader Enquiry Number: 146
