PROPOSALS for the long-term programme to upgrade and expand the Swiss rail network went out to consultation last month.Building on the completed Bahn 2000 project, Zuk?nftige Entwicklung der Bahnprojekte will now be scrutinised by the cantons and other interested parties, paving the way for the government to draw up definitive proposals by December with a view to securing parliamentary approval in 2008.ZEB provides for around SFr5bn to be spent by 2030 on a core programme of 29 upgrades and capacity enhancements (RG 5.06 p256). These include a 9?6 km cross-city line in Zurich to be built by 2015 at a cost of SFr1?5bn, a fourth track between Lausanne and Renens, and quadrupling throughout between Olten and Aarau.n