
ESTONIA: Revenue service began on an extension of the Tallinn tram network to the airport on September 1, following an official inauguration ceremony two days earlier attended by Acting Mayor Taavi Aas and Estonia’s Rail Baltica project co-ordinator Kristjan Kaunissaare.

The 700 m southern extension of Route 4 includes an intermediate stop at Ülemiste linnak, as well as a tunnel under the railway at Ülemiste station and the main Suur-Sõjamäe road.

Services operate at 5 to 10 min headways between 05.30 and 00.45, offering a 17 min journey from the airport to the city centre.

Construction began on August 10 2016 and was undertaken by a consortium of Merko Ehitus and KMG Insenerehituse. Work included the construction of a turning loop and traction substation, and cost €11·5m with 85% being met through EU funds.

On the same day a 5 km section of routes 1 and 2 reopened to Kopli at the other end of the city following track upgrading work which started in 2016.

Rail Baltica project promoter RB Rail recently announced a tender for a feasibility study for a tram line between Ülemiste and Vanasadam passenger ferry port.