Positive Train Control.

USA: The American Short Line & Regional Railroad Association has appointed Tech Mahindra to provide Positive Train Control training courses customised to meet the specific needs of short line operators.

The courses will be provided through a subscription-based online platform, with interactive modules covering aspects of PTC including train operations, lineside equipment, communications and interoperability.

The project is being supported from a $2·5m grant provided by the Federal Railroad Administration to assist short lines with meeting PTC deadlines.

‘Implementation of PTC is a complex and costly project for the US rail industry, including dozens of short line railroads’, said ASLRRA President Chuck Baker. ‘These small businesses have a complicated role to play, integrating with multiple Class I systems, and are challenged to implement with limited technical expertise and support. Tech Mahindra offers an easily accessible web-based training program customised for short line railroads, giving our members confidence that they will be compliant with PTC training requirements.’