fr-Taxirail-EXID CD-Taxirail-01

FRANCE: Trials with a self-propelled ultra-lightweight rail vehicle intended for rural railways or lightly-used lines are due to commence towards the end of 2021.

Branded as Taxirail, the project will see one of the French régions partner with start-up company Exid Concept & Développement with a view to demonstrating performance and operations. An announcement is due to be made before the end of this year, and the intention is to have the first Taxirail route up and running in 2023 when regional routes will be open for operation under competitive tender.

Régis Coat, Chairman of Exid Concept & Développement, says that discussions have been held with almost all of the French régions, including Bretagne, where the company is based. Régions with which the company has been in close contact include Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, Normandie and Grand Est. Coat says the company is also looking at exports, with potential locations identified in Switzerland and in Québec in Canada.

A Taxirail vehicle would weigh less than 8 tonnes and would accommodate up to 40 passengers; operation of multiple vehicles will be possible. Battery power or a form of hybrid traction is envisaged, while artificial intelligence will be used to adapt times of operation to meet demand. The vehicles will operate automatically but will remain in continuous contact with a control centre. Solar power will be used to run lighting, heating, air-conditioning and entertainment systems, with real-time information provided to passengers.