Transport Policy & Strategy
Rail Business UK
Integrated transport strategy for England to tackle the ‘bin fires’ of policy
UK: A public call for ideas to inform the development of a Integrated National Transport Strategy for England was announced by the then-Secretary of State for Transport Louise Haigh on November 28, hours before she resigned over an unrelated matter. Describing transport policy as ‘a series ...
Metro Report International
Funding gap looms over New York rail and Subway investment plans
USA: Further roll-out of CBTC on the New York Subway and renewal of the rolling stock fleet are core rail elements of New York MTA’s next Capital Plan, covering the transport authority’s investment priorities for 2025-29.
Metro Report International
Subway investment in doubt as New York ‘indefinitely pauses’ congestion pricing programme
USA: State Governor Kathy Hochul has directed New York MTA to ‘indefinitely pause’ the central Manhattan congestion pricing programme which had been scheduled for introduction on June 30. According to the June 5 announcement by the governor’s office, the decision was made to ‘address New Yorkers ...
Urban In Depth
Comment: Bright light in Barcelona
The UITP summit in Barcelona emphasised the importance of public transport in supporting cities, the economy and the planet, while addressing the challenges of climate change and post-covid travel patterns. Chris Jackson reflects on the conference as a platform for collaboration to secure the future of public transport.
Metro Report International
Transit Infrastructure Division to manage Twin Cities transport projects
USA: The Metropolitan Council which co-ordinates transport and other projects across seven counties in the Minneapolis-St Paul area has announced the formation of a Regional Transit Infrastructure Division. This is intended to provide a more consistent and robust approach to transport projects that are ‘significant in ...
Metro Report International
Replacement trams and Underground trains in Transport for London draft business plan
UK: Transport for London has published its draft business plan for the period from April 2023 until April 2026. This covers the scheduled delivery of new Siemens Mobility Piccadilly Line and CAF Docklands Light Railway trains, and completion of the Four Lines Modernisation programme on London ...
Metro Report International
Fund African rail projects through private investment and road taxes, study recommends
AFRICA: Increased urban rail investment would offer a range of societal benefits for African cities, including improved air quality, reduced congestion and better access to socio-economic opportunities, according to a study published on November 14. The Role of Urban Rail in Sustainable Africa study has been ...
Metro Report International
On track to an integrated future
The Autumn 2022 issue of Metro Report International magazine is now available to read under the Digital Magazines tab.
In depth
Brazil: making more use of urban railways
Better utilisation of under-used main line railways is seen as key to developing cost-effective urban and suburban rail networks that can relieve road congestion in Brazil’s fast-growing cities. Benjámin Zelki investigates.
Metro Report International
Kyiv Metro seeks European help as it rejoins UITP
UKRAINE: Kyiv Metropoliten needs help from the western European transport industry to modernise its technology and operating practices, despite the conflict with Russia, the municipal transport operator’s Head of Metro Viktor Braginskyi told the IT-Trans conference in Karlsruhe on May 10. Reflecting on his experience of ...
Metro Report International
Turkish government seeks to extend control over urban rail investment
TURKEY: The Ministry of Transport & Communications is seeking to become both owner and operator of new urban railways it is funding, instead of handing over operation and management of the completed assets to city municipalities as has happened in the past.
Metro Report International
Federal Transit Administration sets out funding priorities
USA: The Federal Transit Administration has set out its key funding priorities after President Biden signed the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act into law on November 15. The act authorises spending of up to $108bn with guaranteed funding of $91bn for public transport in 2022-26, ...
Rail and public transport ‘too low on COP26 agenda’, warn UIC and UITP
INTERNATIONAL: The International Union of Railways and global public transport association UITP marked the formal transport day at the COP26 Climate Summit on November 10 by urging policymakers to focus more effort on decarbonising mobility through modal shift.
Metro Report International
Concession envisaged to develop Belo Horizonte metro network
BRAZIL: President Jair Bolsonaro has announced that operation and development of the urban rail network in Belo Horizonte is to be taken forward under a concession model.
Metro Report International
What have the trams ever done for us?
UK: The Urban Transport Group has published the Leading light: What light rail can do for city regions report produced by consultancy Steer Group, which sets out how light rail supports economic growth, social inclusion and environmental gains. The key findings are that: light rail ...
Metro Report International
TransLink recommends quadrupling Vancouver’s rapid transit network over next 30 years
CANADA: Vancouver region transport authority TransLink has published the full draft of Transport 2050, a report outlining a 30-year vision for the development of transport in area. The document contains more than 100 recommendations. These include: quadrupling the rapid transit network by building 300 km ...
Metro Report International
Local and cross-boundary rail projects in Hong Kong strategic plan
CHINA: The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region’s Chief Executive Carrie Lam’s firth annual policy address on October 6 included a number of initiatives for the development of local and cross-boundary railway projects, as well as long-term land development. These include five projects to be explored under ...
Metro Report International
UKTram consults on draft light rail strategy
UK: Light rail industry body UKTram is seeking comments on its draft Light Rail Strategy for the UK, which is due to be submitted to ministers and the Department for Transport later this year.
Metro Report International
Transport information to be made available on Mobility Data Marketplace
GERMANY: The Federal Council has approved the Mobility Data Ordinance, which obliges transport agencies to provide data on timetables, routes and fares for inclusion in a single national Mobility Data Marketplace. The aim is to facilitate the development of app-based transport information services, and to make ...
EIB to update transport priorities within climate roadmap
EUROPE: The European Investment Bank is consulting on updating its transport sector lending policies to prioritise projects according to its Climate Bank Roadmap, the European Commission’s Sustainable & Smart Mobility Strategy and the EU Sustainable Finance Taxonomy. Rail is expected to achieve a substantially larger share ...