Tyne & Wear Metro Washington Metro Loop-map

UK: Tyne & Wear transport agency Nexus has begun the process of appointing a legal adviser to support the development of the proposed Washington Metro Loop.

The 13·5 km WML would link the existing Tyne & Wear Metro stations at Pelaw and South Hylton via Washington, serving the UK’sfourth largest town without access to a rail service’.

A zero-value eight-year legal services framework agreement is planned. This would cover support for the preparation of the outline business case and, subject to government approval, the planning, construction and commissioning phases.

Planning is currently being funded by the North East Combined Authority, but it is envisaged that the WML would become a flagship project of the North East Mayoral Combined Authority following the election of a North East Mayor in May 2024.

The OBC is anticipated to take two to three years to develop. Construction would be subject to approval and funding, and could begin in 2030.

Three station locations have been identified although these are subject to change. The OBC would also assess options for further extensions which would enable direct services from Washington and Sunderland to South Shields.