
USA: A delegation of Indian Railways management visited the offices of Operation Lifesaver in Alexandria, Virginia, last month to learn about best practice in railway safety education.

Operation Lifesaver is a not-for-profit organisation set up to help reduce the number of deaths and serious injuries caused on the US rail network, whether at level crossings or through trespass. Over its 40-year life, the organisation is credited with helping to reduce vehicle-train collisions by 83%. In contrast, India's Ministry of Railways estimates that almost 15000 people are killed each year by unlawful trespass onto the IR network.

'Improving rail safety for passengers, motorists and pedestrians is a universal goal worldwide', said Joyce Rose, President & CEO of Operation Lifesaver. 'We had a very good discussion with the IR delegation about our safety education outreach efforts.'

IR's visit was organised by the US Trade & Development Agency as part of a trade mission.