Sierra Leone loco staff (Photo CRRC)

SIERRA LEONE: President Julius Maada Bio attended the unveiling of 10 diesel locomotives which CRRC Ziyang has supplied for the 197 km railway linking Leone Rock Metal Group’s New Tonkoliri Iron Mine with the port of Pepel.

Sierra Leone CRRC loco inauguration (Photo CRRC)

The locos were unveiled on May 10, just three months after the order was signed, as part of events marking the completion of 12 mtpa of processing at the mine.

Sierra Leone CRRC loco delivery (Photo Leone Rock Metal Group)

The 1 067 mm gauge locos have a 3 680 kW medium-speed diesel engine and AC transmission, with a pair of locos able to haul 10 000 tonne trains.

Sierra Leone CRRC locos (Photo CRRC)

According to CRRC they are the first diesel locos to feature a ‘middle corridor arrangement and independent ventilation technology’, which optimises internal space and improves access for maintenance.

Sierra Leone loco people (Photo CRRC)

CRRC said delivery of the locos was ’another example of China’s high-end equipment going global and assisting China-Africa to jointly build the Belt & Road Initiative with high quality’.