Two extensions of the Tehran metro network have been formally inaugurated by President Ebrahim Raisi.

IRAN: Two extensions of the Tehran metro network have been formally inaugurated by President Ebrahim Raisi.

The opening on March 18 of the 9·5 km central section of Line 6 between Tarbiat Modares University and Emam Hossein has joined up two previously isolated sections to complete a 26·4 km through line from Shahid Sattar in the northwest to Dolat-Abad in the southeast. Four stations have opened on the central section, with two more expected to follow.

Line 7 has been extended 1·5 km north from Meydan-e San’at to a new terminus at Shahid Dadman, adding one station. A further section of Line 7 from Shahid Dadman to Yousef Abad is currently under construction, along with a short eastern extension from Basij to Takhti Stadium.

In the longer term, Line 6 is expected to be extended to Sulqan in the northwest and south to the Shah Abdol-Azim shrine in Rey, taking it to a total length of 36 km.