Iran railway news

News about railway and urban rail infrastructure, operations, policy, projects and the supply industry in Iran.

  • ir-bandar-e-azali-rail-link-opened

    Iran’s Caspian Sea rail link commissioned


    IRAN: The 37 km extension of RAI’s Qazvin – Rasht line to the Caspian Sea port of Bandar-e Anzali was opened on June 20, completing a further section of the International North-South Transport Corridor through the central Asia region.

  • Mapna MAP30 diesel locomotive (3)

    Domestically produced Iranian locomotive unveiled


    IRAN: Mapna Group has unveiled a MAP30 freight locomotive with a MP610 diesel engine. Mapna said the 2 950 kW locomotive is designed to withstand the most severe weather conditions and would be ‘a robust addition to the country’s rail fleet’. Components including the traction motors, ...

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    In depth

    Iran: International connections take shape slowly


    Work is progressing on various cross-border rail links as Iranian Railways seeks to strengthen its role as a Eurasian rail hub. Toma Bačić investigates.

  • Tehran metro extension opening
    Metro Report International

    Parand metro extension inaugurated


    IRAN: President Ebrahim Raisi inaugurated the Shahr-e Parand extension of a branch of Tehran metro Line 1 on November 30. Parand is a residential area with a population of 450 000, located 50 km southwest of central Tehran and 20 km west of Imam Khomeini International ...

  • Mapna wagons

    Iranian wagon manufacturer plans European exports


    INTERNATIONAL: Iran’s Mapna Group has announced a 10-year co-operation agreement for the potential supply of wagons to a Polish company, which plans to deploy them across eastern Europe. The deal announced on September 27 follows a year of negotiations with the unnamed company from Poland, which ...

  • iq-PM-trowel2-basra-stone-laying-230902

    Work starts on Iran – Iraq rail link


    INTERNATIONAL: Construction of a cross-border rail link between Iraq and Iran was formally inaugurated on September 2 with a foundation stone laying ceremony at the Shalamcheh border crossing point near Basra.

  • Rasht-Astara railway construction agreement

    Rasht – Astara railway construction agreement signed


    IRAN: An intergovernmental agreement for the construction of the 162 km Rasht – Astara railway in northern Iran was signed by the transport ministers of Iran and Russia during a video conference between the national presidents on May 17. The cost of the project is put ...

  • Two extensions of the Tehran metro network have been formally inaugurated by President Ebrahim Raisi.
    Metro Report International

    Tehran metro extensions open


    IRAN: Two extensions of the Tehran metro network have been formally inaugurated by President Ebrahim Raisi. The opening on March 18 of the 9·5 km central section of Line 6 between Tarbiat Modares University and Emam Hossein has joined up two previously isolated sections to complete ...

  • Karaj metro Line 2
    Metro Report International

    Second Karaj metro line opened for limited service


    IRAN: An initial 5·5 km section of the 27 km metro Line 2 currently under construction in Karaj opened for limited passenger services on February 27. The second metro line in Karaj, 40 km west of Tehran, was opened by Interior Minister Ahmad Vahidi. The initial ...

  • china-uzbekistan-train-getty-TO-FIND
    In depth

    Asia: ESCAP rethinks trans-continental supply chains


    Covid-19 and the Ukrainian crisis have impacted on Eurasian rail flows, but ESCAP believes railways still have a key role to play in an integrated multimodal transport system supporting global supply chains. Raghu Dayal reports.

  • Islamabad Tehran Istanbul train in Pakistan

    Islamabad – Tehran – Istanbul freight service relaunched


    ASIA: A rail freight service linking Islamabad, Tehran and Istanbul has been relaunched, a decade after the last attempt to develop services on the 6 500 km route. The ISI train was despatched with a ceremony in Islamabad on December 21, and reached Ankara on January ...

  • Iran Iraq agreement

    Iran – Iraq rail link agreement signed


    ASIA: An agreement has been signed to complete the 30 km Shalamcheh – Basra railway which would connect the national rail networks of Iran and Iraq. Islamic Republic of Iran Railways and Iraqi Republic Railways expect to establish a joint venture within two months to implement ...

  • Tehran metro station (Photo: Tehran Urban & Suburban Railway Co)
    Metro Report International

    Iranian metro train rolled out


    IRAN: A domestically-designed metro train with 85% local content has been unveiled by President Hassan Rouhani. Development began in June 2019, when a memorandum of understanding was signed between the Vice-Presidency for Science & Technology, Tehran Urban & Suburban Railway Co and the Innovation & Prosperity ...

  • ir-tehran-metro-new-trains-commissioned
    Metro Report International

    Tehran adds more metro stations


    IRAN: Two stations at the northwestern end of Tehran metro Line 6 were opened for revenue service on March 13, along with an isolated section of the route. The short section of Line 6 serving Yadegar-e-Emam and Shahid Sattari is being operated as a separate shuttle from ...

  • Armenia Azerbaijan Georgia

    Naxçıvan railway reopening proposed as work starts on Baku link


    ASIA: Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has welcomed proposals for the reopening of a rail link between Iran and its northwestern neighbour Azerbaijan. Speaking at a meeting with the governor of Iran’s largely Azeri-speaking province of East Azerbaijan on February 18, Zarif pointed out the ...

  • af Herat province railway inauguration loco (AfRA)

    Two presidents inaugurate Afghanistan – Iran railway


    AFGHANISTAN: The country’s first standard gauge railway, which links Herat province with Khaf in eastern Iran, was formally inaugurated with a ceremony on December 10. Afghanistan’s President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani and Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani participated by video conference because of the coronavirus ...

  • af Herat trial freight train AfRA 20201202 (2)

    First Iran to Afghanistan freight train


    AFGHANISTAN: A trial freight train delivered more than 400 tonnes of cement from Iran to Rosnak in Herat province on December 2, ahead of the ceremonial inauguration of the newly completed railway which is scheduled for this month. A passenger train also carried Iranian railway officials to ...

  • ir-esfahan-ahvaz-map-snip

    Esfahan – Ahvaz rail link memorandum signed


    IRAN: The Ministry of Roads & Urban Development has signed a memorandum of understanding with Mapna Group for construction of the long-planned rail link between Esfahan and Ahvaz, capital of Khuzestan province

  • Railway from Gorgan to Incheh Borun on Iran's border with Turkmenistan.

    Russian Railways pulls out of Iranian infrastructure work


    IRAN: Russian Railways confirmed on April 2 that it had ceased work on infrastructure projects in Iran, and was to close its Tehran office. As part of this, its overseas engineering business RZD International has ceased work to electrify and increase capacity on the 495 km route ...

  • ir- mashhad metro image18148
    Metro Report International

    Mashhad Metro Line 3 tunnel excavation complete


    IRAN: Mashhad Metro completed the excavation of an 8·5 km tunnel for Line 3, on March 9. The tunnel will form part of the 28·5 km-long metro Line 3 connecting Amirieh Boulevard in the northwest part of the city to Abouzar district in the southwest. The line ...