Digital automatic coupler news
DAC is intended to provide a physical automatic centre coupling between wagons and locomotives, with electrical and data connections to support a variety of digital functions. DAC is being widely hailed as a game changer that will boost the efficiency of rail freight and revitalise wagonload operations across Europe, and work is underway to finalise the standards and develop migration strategies.
.DAC programme agrees electrical coupler standard
EUROPE: A Voith electrical connection has been selected as the standard design for freight trains equipped with Digital Automatic Couplers, and approved by the European DAC Delivery Programme Supervisory Board.
Rail Logistics: Freight trains are getting smarter
While the complex migration to operation using digital automatic couplers lies ahead, Europe’s freight trains are already being digitalised. Reinhard Christeller presents a snapshot of the benefits in safety, productivity and cost effectiveness.
Rail freight associations raise ‘serious concerns’ about digital automatic couplers
EUROPE: ‘Serious concerns’ about the competitive, economic, technical and operational impact of deploying digital automatic couplers have been set out by associations representing private freight operators in central and eastern Europe. They say DAC offers numerous benefits, but ‘hasty and arbitrary solutions could further hamper the competitiveness of the rail ...
Freight: ‘Nobody is writing us a cheque for €13bn’
European policymakers and the larger rail freight operators are confident that the Digital Automatic Coupler programme can move from vision to reality by 2028. Nevertheless, significant financial and logistical barriers remain. Toma Bačić reports.
Technology: Innovation must come faster
Wheel-rail interaction and the need to accelerate the pace of innovation were hot topics at the 48th Conference on Modern Rolling Stock held in Graz on September 17-19. Reinhard Christeller reports.
Comment: Green credentials on the line
The European Commission’s Greening Freight proposals reiterate the EU’s commitment to growing rail’s share of the logistics chain, but they also set out the challenge the sector will face amid the complexity and cost of building new infrastructure, and as measures are adopted to aid the decarbonisation of competing modes.
Train Control: Say goodbye to lineside hardware with satellites and digital comms
Pop-up workshops to retrofit digital automatic couplers
Viewpoint: We cannot afford another failure
Competitive Freight Wagon aims to boost rail freight
Viewpoint: DAC needs a migration strategy
Making Digital Automatic coupling a reality in Europe
DAC programme selects Scharfenberg digital coupler
Freight: Delivering Europe’s digital coupler
Voith Turbo discusses digital automatic couplers on the latest InnoTrans podcast
Autocouplers to equip Swiss intermodal fleet
European digital automatic coupler deployment planned by 2030
Digital coupler ‘opens door to automation’
Digital automatic couplers on test