RUSSIA: The BKM-Siberia joint venture of Belkommunmash and the city of Novosibirsk unveiled its first tram on May 17 during a visit by Mayor Anatoly Lokot. The presentation to the public is planned for May 24 at the TransSiberia trade show.

The 50:50 joint venture was established last year with the aim of deep refurbishment and production of trams in Novosibirsk, using bodyshells supplied by BKM. BKM-Siberia aims to produce 12 trams this year, at a cost of around 18m roubles each.

The tram uses bogies and traction motors from Chelyabinsk trams, reconstructed brakes, a new partly low-floor BKM bodyshell and traction equipment supplied by ARS Term. The vehicle is equipped with HVAC suited to operation in temperatures as low as -40°C, as well as a mechanical ramp for wheelchairs.