FRANCE: The government announced on December 18 that it would be providing €450m to fund 99 urban transport projects with an estimated total cost of €5∙2bn. Including 15 light rail schemes totalling 81 km as well four metro lines with a combined length of 27 km, the projects are expected to create 50 000 jobs ‘very quickly’, according to Ségolène Royal, Minister for Ecology, Sustainable Development & Energy.

Local authorities were invited to submit projects that would encourage modal shift from the private car, foster sustainable development and improve connectivity. With the cost of individual projects ranging from €110 000 to €420m, the government will on average be providing 16% of total scheme cost, on the condition that work starts before December 31 2017.

To help complete funding packages, state-owned investment bank Caisse des Dépôts is making €5bn of ‘green growth’ loan funding available at a preferential interest rate of 1∙75%.

City Project Total cost €m Government contribution €m
Angers Light rail Line B 245 25∙1
Aubagne Val'Tram light rail 90∙6 18∙3
Bordeaux New ticketing system 15∙1 1∙0
Caen Conversion of Line 1 to light rail, Line 2 229∙8 23∙3
Grenoble Extension of light rail Line A to Pont-de-Chaiz 30 3∙0
Guadeloupe Excellence light rail project 219∙6 28∙2
Lyon Metro Line B capacity enhancement 93∙3 12∙0
Lyon Light rail Line T4 capacity enhancement 51∙5 1∙3
Lyon Light rail Line T5 extension to René Cassin 27∙2 1∙8
Lyon Metro Line D capacity enhancement 46∙7 3∙5
Lyon Metro Line B extension to Hôpitaux Sud 420 6∙6
Lyon Light rail Line T1 extension to Hôpitaux Est 179∙2 19∙0
Marseille Light rail extensions to Capitaine Gèze and La Gaye 270∙7 29∙9
Montpellier Light rail Line 1 extension to Sud de France station 40 3∙9
Nantes Capacity enhancement at Commerce light rail stop 8∙5 0∙4
Nice Light rail Line T3 extension to Saint-Isidore 65∙0 3∙5
Strasbourg Light rail extension to Koenigshoffen 106∙4 8∙4
Strasbourg Light rail extension to Schiltigheim 81∙7 6∙0
Toulouse Light rail Line T1 extension to exhibition grounds 23∙8 1∙4
Toulouse Metro Line B extension to Labège 373∙9 20∙5
