All ERTMS articles – Page 2
Finnish ETCS contract awarded
FINLAND: Siemens Mobility has been awarded a contract to deploy ETCS Level 2 and hybrid train detection on the first route which to be upgraded under the government’s Digirail project to replace legacy train control systems. Siemens Mobility said the 191 km route between Lielahti, Rauma ...
Rail Business UK
Class 66 ETCS testing underway
UK: Dynamic testing has begun with a DB Cargo UK Class 66 diesel locomotive which has been retrofitted with ETCS as the First in Class for the roll-out of the digital signalling technology across the most common type of freight loco in the UK. As part ...
Rail Business UK
Network Rail awards 10-year train control system framework contracts
UK: New suppliers and better visibility of future work are included in the Train Control Systems framework contracts awarded by Network Rail for the provision of conventional and ETCS signalling services during Control Periods 7 and 8 in 2024-34. The Train Control Systems framework replaces the ...
Rail Business UK
‘A day for the history books’ as Siemens to relocate Chippenham signalling factory
UK: Siemens Mobility has announced plans to relocate its existing rail control and signalling factory in Chippenham to a newly built site on the edge of the town by the end of 2026. The move was announced on March 4 at a ceremony in the factory ...
Rail Business UK
Moorgate branch ETCS goes live
UK: Revenue-earning suburban services have started to use ETCS Level 2 over London’s Northern City Line from Finsbury Park to Moorgate.
Tackling an ETCS retrofitting bottleneck
GERMANY: Stadler says it is now set up to help accelerate the roll-out of ETCS, after its AngelStar joint venture with MerMec completed the first retrofit of its Guardia equipment to another manufacturer’s locomotive without the involvement of the original supplier. Two of DB Cargo’s Bombardier ...
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Safety: Railways must report, learn and improve
The EU Agency for Railways is continuing its campaign to develop a risk-based safety culture across Europe’s rail networks, as Executive Director Josef Doppelbauer explains to Chris Jackson.
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Signalling: Visualising designs at an earlier stage
Most signalling schemes across the sector are designed using 2D schematic plans. But this approach can make it difficult to visualise what drivers in the train cab will see, and when and how they will react. To address this and other challenges, Arup has created a signalling visualisation tool that is being deployed as part of Network Rail’s Transpennine Route Upgrade.
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Italy: Accelerating ERTMS deployment offers great benefits
Italian infrastructure manager RFI has launched an accelerated programme to equip the entire national network with ETCS by 2036. National ETCS Project Manager Nazzareno Filippini explains the thinking behind the strategy.
Rail Business UK
Freightliner opens Doncaster training centre to support ETCS roll-out
UK: Freightliner has officially opened an Operational Training Academy in Doncaster to prepare its northern-based drivers for the introduction of ETCS Level 2 between London King’s Cross and Stoke Tunnel near Grantham as part of the East Coast Digital Programme. A similar facility for southern-based drivers ...
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Freight: Alpine corridors reflect rail’s struggle for modal share
Anchored in Italy, three north-south Rail Freight Corridors provide significant opportunities for modal shift in line with the European Commission’s Green deal objectives. However, the transalpine routes still face many challenges that need to be addressed, suggests Reinhard Christeller.
ETCS Level 1 deployed around Bangkok
THAILAND: A consortium of Thales and River Engineering has completed a project to deploy ETCS Level 1 across 321 route-km and 48 stations on State Railway of Thailand’s Northern, Northeastern, Eastern and Southern lines radiating from Bangkok. The programme began in 2019 and covered routes from ...
Austrian ETCS roll-out advances
AUSTRIA: ÖBB-Infrastruktur and Siemens Mobility have commissioned ETCS Level 2 on the Linz – Wels – Vöcklabruck and Wels – Haiding routes as the first project under a 2021 framework agreement for a roll-out on main routes across the country. This will involve installing a total ...
Cork Area Commuter Rail programme makes progress
IRELAND: The Cork Area Commuter Rail programme is progressing ‘swiftly’, according to Iarnród Éireann CEO Jim Meade, with the award of the signalling works contract for the project. The programme to upgrade the lines radiating from Cork to Mallow, Cobh and Midleton is intended to improve ...
Siemens Mobility to supply 28 EMUs for Digital Node Stuttgart project
GERMANY: Siemens Mobility has been awarded a contract to supply electric multiple-units equipped for attended automated operation as part of the Digital Node Stuttgart pilot project within the Digital Schiene Deutschland (Digital Rail Germany) programme. The €300m contract awarded by the Land of Baden-Württemberg’s rolling stock ...
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Comment: Green credentials on the line
The European Commission’s Greening Freight proposals reiterate the EU’s commitment to growing rail’s share of the logistics chain, but they also set out the challenge the sector will face amid the complexity and cost of building new infrastructure, and as measures are adopted to aid the decarbonisation of competing modes.
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Train Control: Say goodbye to lineside hardware with satellites and digital comms
A marriage of satellite communications with fully digital train control could eliminate lineside signals and related equipment, achieving huge savings and making the rail mode more affordable. Preliminary trials are already in progress.
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Space Technology: European aerospace bodies see rail opportunities
European aerospace organisations ESA and EUSPA are developing dedicated initiatives aimed at facilitating the use of satellite technology in rail applications, with ERTMS a particular focus. Nick Kingsley reports.
‘Over and back’ speeds Brisbane ETCS testing
AUSTRALIA: Hitachi Rail has adopted ‘over and back’ switching principles to speed up the testing of digital train control systems being installed on the southeast Queensland rail network. ETCS Level 2 operation is being introduced in conjunction with Brisbane’s Cross River Rail project, which will see ...
Rail projects receive share of €6·2bn of Connecting Europe Facility grant funding
EUROPE: Various rail enhancement schemes are among the 107 projects on the Trans-European Transport Network which have been allocated a total of €6·2bn under the latest EU Connecting Europe Facility grant provisions.