Middle East – Page 16

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    Jacobs awarded Etihad Rail consultancy contract


    UAE: Etihad Rail has appointed Jacobs Engineering Group to provide technical and programme consulting services to support the expansion of its network under stages 2 and 3 of its national railway plan, now scheduled for completion by 2024. Jacobs will provide engineering and design services, review and provide critical oversight ...

  • Kadmar Group’s specialist heavy load logistics company EGL has won a contract to transport equipment for the construction of a 68 km electrified rail link which is being built to link Cairo with the new administrative capital.
    Metro Report International

    Cairo railway construction fleet delivered


    EGYPT: Kadmar Group’s specialist heavy load logistics company EGL has won a contract to transport equipment for the construction of a 68 km electrified rail link which is being built to link Cairo with the new administrative capital development to the east. In August 2017 the National Authority for Tunnels ...

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    Garmsar – Incheh Borun electrification gets underway


    IRAN: RZD International officially launched work to electrify the Garmsar – Incheh Borun line with a ceremony on July 2. The 495 km route links the Tehran – Mashhad main line with the border with Turkmenistan. The electrification and upgrading project is scheduled to take 52 months and aims to ...

  • The Ha-Sharon Railway extension from Hod Ha-Sharon/Sokolov to the new Ra’anana South and Ra’anana West stations opened to passengers on July 3.

    Ha-Sharon Railway extension opens


    ISRAEL: The Ha-Sharon Railway extension running west from the interim terminus at Hod Ha-Sharon/Sokolov station to the new Ra’anana South and Ra’anana West stations opened to passengers with the introduction of national operator ISR’s summer timetable on July 3. Guests including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Transport Minister Israel Katz ...

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    Wagons delivered from Poland to Saudi Arabia


    SAUDI ARABIA: Abnormal load logistics specialist ALS has completed a 20-month project to deliver a total of 1 185 wagons of three types from The Greenbrier Companies’ Wagon Świdnica factory in Poland to Saudi Railway Co. The wagons are 14·35 m long, 3 200 mm wide and 4 500 mm ...

  • Tatra-Yug has rolled out the first of 15 trams which it is to supply to Alexandria Passenger Transportation Authority.

    Alexandria tram rolled out


    EGYPT: Tatra-Yug has rolled out the first of 15 trams which it is to supply to Alexandria Passenger Transportation Authority. The air-conditioned two-section high-floor tram is 22 m long. Deliveries from Tatra Yug’s factory in Dnipro are scheduled for completion in 2019. The Ukrainian manufacturer beat Stadler ...

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    Tehran metro car order derailed


    IRAN: A deal for Stadler Rail to supply rolling stock for two of the country’s metro networks is expected to collapse as a result of US President Donald Trump’s decision to pull out of the 2015 nuclear limitation agreement and reimpose sanctions. At the end of February, ...

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    Etihad Rail awards Stage 2/3 consultancy contract


    UAE: Etihad Rail has selected Egis to provide project management consultancy services for the ongoing development of the country’s rail network and connections to neighbouring GCC states. Under the contract announced on May 23, Egis will assist Etihad Rail with the development of stages 2 and 3, which are now ...

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    Rail Business UK

    University alliance to promote high speed rail


    INTERNATIONAL: The International Union of Railways has moved to strengthen its nascent network of academic institutions which are intended to work together to promote the development of high speed rail. UIC first announced plans for its alliance of universities at the World Congress on High Speed Rail in Tokyo in ...

  • Ankara hosted the 10th World Congress on High Speed Rail. The next Congress is expected to take place in 2019-20 in China.

    Competition is key as high speed rail keeps growing


    Global ridership has surged by 40% in the three years since UIC last staged its World Congress on High Speed Rail. Yet operators and policymakers must work hard to keep the rail mode ahead as competition grows both in and for the market. Benjámin Zelki reports from the latest summit ...

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    Mashhad metro lines connected


    IRAN: The two hitherto isolated metro lines in Mashhad were connected on May 7 when President Hassan Rouhani opened an extension of Line 2. The 2 km extension runs southwest from Shohada to Shariati, where interchange is provided with Line 1. The first phase of Line 2 ...

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    Haramain High Speed Rail may open in August


    SAUDI ARABIA: August 31 has been suggested as the new target date for the start of commercial services on the Haramain high speed line between Makkah and Madinah. Opening had previously been expected in mid-March, but it became clear in February that delays to the completion of five of the ...

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    China and Gulf states discuss OTIF accession to support international freight


    INTERNATIONAL: China and the Gulf Co-Operation Council member states are discussing accession to the COTIF convention, which provides a legal framework for the operation of international rail traffic. China’s interest is related to the growth of east-west freight traffic to and from Europe. Its accession would be politically significant ...

  • Kermanshah was connected to the railway network when President Hassan Rouhani opened a 110 km line from Firuzan

    Iranian railway expansion continues


    IRAN: The city of Kermanshah was connected to the railway network when President Hassan Rouhani opened a 110 km line from Firuzan on March 20. This forms part of the Malayer – Khosravi corridor which will eventually run to the border with Iraq. The first section from Malayer to Firuzan ...

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    Thales wins Egyptian contract


    EGYPT: Egyptian National Railways has awarded Thales a contract to modernise signalling and safety equipment on the 48 km Cairo – Benha section of the main line from Cairo to Alexandria. This builds on ongoing work on the Benha – Alexandria section of the corridor, and will enable the traffic ...

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    Haramain High Speed Rail market study commissioned


    SAUDI ARABIA: Haramain High Speed Rail project concessionaire Al-Shoula Consortium has appointed Royal HaskoningDHV to carry out a detailed market study for the line. This is intended to help Saudi Railways Organization predict passenger numbers and needs, and support the development of targeted operations strategies to offer the most ...

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    Riyadh metro test running begins


    SAUDI ARABIA: Test running started on the Riyadh metro on April 4 using an Alstom Metropolis trainset. The six-line network is due to open next year. Work is being undertaken in three packages. Lines 1 and 2 are being designed and built by the BACS consortium led by Bechtel and ...

  • Archive photo of a De Dietrich railcar in Lebanon in the early 1960s.

    Lebanon railway revival discussed


    LEBANON: Long-standing proposals to rehabilitate the out-of-use railway which once ran 80 km along the coast from Beirut to Tripoli were discussed at a meeting of the EuroMed Transport Rail project in Beirut on March 22. An action plan is to be presented at a conference to be held in ...

  • The rail link between Astara in Azerbaijan and similarly-named town on the Iranian side of the border was officially opened with a ceremony on March 29.

    Presidents officially open Azerbaijan – Iran rail link


    ASIA: The rail link between Astara in Azerbaijan and similarly-named town on the Iranian side of the border was officially opened with a ceremony on March 29. Presidents Hassan Rouhanid of Iran and Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan participated via a video link from the Azerbaijan – Iran Business Forum which ...

  • The Route 2020 project will extend the Dubai Metro’s Red Line by 15 km from Nakheel Harbour & Tower to the Expo 2020 site.
    Metro Report International

    Dubai Metro extension financial close


    UAE: Financial close for Phase 2 of the Route 2020 project to extend the Dubai Metro’s Red Line by 15 km from Nakheel Harbour & Tower to the Expo 2020 site was achieved on March 20. Banco Santander, First Abu Dhabi Bank, HSBC Bank Middle East, Intesa ...