All Poland articles – Page 6

  • Wroclaw Borek tram depot
    Metro Report International

    Tram depot modernisation contract awarded


    POLAND: Operator MPK Wrocław has awarded Zakład Sieci i Zasilania a 42·6m złoty contract for an extensive rebuild of the city’s Borek tram depot. The contract award came after three rounds of tendering, which saw bids come in above the initial 27·2m złoty budget. The project to ...

  • Pesa and fuel company PKN Orlen are to jointly offer rail operators hydrogen vehicles and the fuel they require (Photo: PESA/Der Blitz)

    Hydrogen traction and fuel supply agreement signed


    POLAND: Rolling stock manufacturer Pesa and fuel company PKN Orlen are to jointly offer rail operators hydrogen vehicles and the fuel they require. The two companies signed an agreement at InnoTrans, held in Berlin on September 21-24, where Pesa displayed a hydrogen shunting locomotive along with ...

  • Arriva train in Denmark

    Deutsche Bahn sells Arriva businesses to private equity holding company


    EUROPE: Deutsche Bahn has reached agreement to sell its Arriva local transport activities in Denmark, Poland and Serbia.

  • IMG_9595
    Metro Report International

    Warsolino tram beats energy efficiency targets


    INNOTRANS: Hyundai Rotem is showing one the 123 Warsolino low-floor trams ordered for Warszawa in what operator Tramwaje Warszawskie said was the largest tram contract ever signed in Poland. The contract signed in June 2019 included a base order for 85 bidirectional and 18 unidirectional trams ...

  • Freightliner 66503 with containers

    Genesee & Wyoming’s UK/Europe CEO departs


    EUROPE: Eddie Aston has left Genesee & Wyoming Inc, where was Chief Executive Officer of the UK/Europe Region.

  • Lagiewniki_01
    Metro Report International

    Kraków tram extension connects southern routes


    POLAND: A 1·7 km extension of the Kraków tram network from Łagiewniki SKA to Kurdwanów has opened to connect two existing lines in the south of the city. The tramway extension has been built as part of the Trasa Łagiewnicka ring road scheme, which also involved ...

  • RENFE Ukrainian grain container train

    Ukraine grain to Spain by container train


    EUROPE: Spanish transport ministry MITMA and freight operator RENFE Mercancías are to test the technical and economic viability of transporting Ukrainian grain to Barcelona by rail instead of shipping via the Black Sea routes which have been disrupted by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. ...

  • Krakow tram track construction
    Metro Report International

    Kraków fast tram tracklaying underway


    POLAND: Tracklaying has begun on a 5 km ‘fast tram’ extension of the Kraków tram network to Górka Narodowa in the north of the city. The extension is intended to serve park and ride facilities and provide a 20 min journey time to the city centre. ...

  • Alstom ELS-96 wheel detection system Poland

    Polish approval for wheel detector


    POLAND: Infrastructure manager PKP PLK has approved the use of Alstom’s ELS-96 rail-mounted wheel detector for axle counters. The ELS-96 provides full digital transmission without lineside electronics with fully automatic adjustment as well as a remote diagnostics and software upgrade capability. It can withstand high and ...

  • pl-KD-bicycle-van-exterior

    Polish operator attaches bicycle vans to trains


    POLAND: Regional operator Koleje Dolnośląskie says it is the first in Poland to offer dedicated bicycle transport services, attaching bright yellow vans to its DMUs between Wrocław Główny, Sobótka Zachodnia and Świdnica Przedmieście. Each van can carry up to 38 bicycles, which ...

  • Warszawa_01
    Metro Report International

    Warszawa metro extension opens


    POLAND: A western extension of Warszawa metro Line M2 was opened by Mayor Rafał Trzaskowski and European Commissioner for Cohesion & Reforms Elisa Ferreira on June 30. The extension runs 2·7 km from Ksiecia Janusza to Bemowo, with an intermediate station at Ulrychów. ...

  • Cargounit has ordered a further five Siemens Mobility Vectron MS electric locomotives

    Geopolitical risks increase demand for multisystem locomotives


    POLAND: Cargounit has ordered a further five Siemens Mobility Vectron MS electric locomotives for delivery in 2023-24.

  • LTG Cargo loco

    LTG Cargo Ukraine reopens to offer freight routes via Poland


    UKRAINE: The LTG Cargo Ukraine subsidiary of Lithuania’s national railway has restarted its activities, noting that there has been a significant increase in demand for the export of grain and other products from Ukraine. LTG Cargo Ukraine temporarily suspended operations in March following the Russian invasion. ...

  • 2017_iaf_062

    Focus on Poland as IAF track technology shows opens its doors


    INTERNATIONAL: More than 120 exhibitors from 60 countries have been confirmed as taking part in the 28th International Exhibition of Track Technology at Münster in northwest Germany from May 31 to June 2.

  • Alstom and fuel company PKN Orlen have signed a strategic agreement to co-operate to supply fuel cell trains and hydrogen.

    Polish hydrogen train co-operation agreement


    POLAND: Alstom and fuel company PKN Orlen have signed a strategic agreement to co-operate to supply fuel cell trains and hydrogen. Sławomir Cyza, President & Managing Director of Alstom in Poland, Ukraine & the Baltic States, said he hoped Alstom would the first company to introduce ...

  • ŁKA 31WEha-001 (Photo Radek Kopras)

    Łódz orders multiple-units


    POLAND: Łódzka Kolej Aglomeracyjna has awarded Newag a contract for the supply and maintaince of three electro-diesel multiple units for stage four of the Łódź Agglomeration Railway programme, with an option for a further two. The order for the intital three trainsets is valued at 75·6m ...

  • One of four trams which is Modertrans is to supply to Grudziądz has arrived in Łódź for dynamic testing and certification.
    Metro Report International

    Grudziądz tram on test


    POLAND: One of four trams which is Modertrans is to supply to Grudziądz has arrived in Łódź for dynamic testing and certification. The trams are being supplied under a 23·3m złoty contract awarded in March 2021. They are part of the Moderus Beta low-floor family, adapted ...

  • PKPE hydrogen storage

    PKP Energetyka to trial green hydrogen energy storage


    POLAND: PKP Energetyka has launched the construction of a hydrogen-based energy storage system at its Garbce traction power substation, as part of a research initiative aimed at transitioning the national rail network to renewable energy sources. The state railway’s power subsidiary announced on May 11 that ...

  • LTG Cargo freight terminal

    Lithuania rethinks freight flows to bypass Belarus


    EUROPE: Lithuania’s national freight operator LTG Cargo has sent a pilot container train to Ukraine via Poland, avoiding Belarus because of that country’s support for the Russian invasion of Ukraine. LTG Cargo said the return working would be the first time in its history that freight ...

  • Poznan tram extension opening (2)
    Metro Report International

    Tram parade opens Poznań extension


    POLAND: The latest phase of a tramway extension along ul Naramowice in the north of Poznań has opened for revenue service, following an opening ceremony on April 23 which included a parade of historic trams. Initially served by route 10, the double-track extension starts at the ...