Central & South America – Page 11

  • Sao Paulo metro Line 4
    Metro Report International

    Investor joins São Paulo metro Line 6 project


    BRAZIL: Spanish infrastructure group Acciona has sold a 12·3% stake in the São Paulo Metro Line 6 concession holder Concessionária Linha Universidade to STOA, a French infrastructure investment group which specialises in emerging markets Owned by Caisse des Dépôts (83·3%) and Agence Française de Développement (16·7%), STOA ...

  • Costa Rica's national railway Incofer has taken delivery of eight CRRC diesel multiple-units for commuter services around San José.

    ‘Modern, efficient and sustainable’ trains arrive in Costa Rica


    COSTA RICA: National railway Incofer has taken delivery of eight diesel multiple-units for use on commuter services around the capital San José. ‘With the arrival of these new trains, the process of rail modernisation begins’, said Incofer President Elizabeth Briceño. ‘Current passenger operations will be improved significantly ...

  • Locomotive in Brazil.

    MRS and FCA concessions next in extensions queue


    BRAZIL: Proposals for a 30-year extension of MRS Logística’s concession to operate freight services on a 1 674 km network serving the states of Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais and São Paulo are due to be submitted to the Federal Audit Court in April. The current ...

  • br-fiol-tracklaying-antt

    Brazilian rail tender draws bidders’ interest


    BRAZIL: A 35-year ‘sub-concession’ to operate freight services on the 537 km section of Ferrovia de Integração Oeste-Leste between Caetité and the port of Ilhéus is attracting more interest than expected. The bid auction is due to take place in São Paulo on April 8 with contract ...

  • EFE has awarded CRRC Sifang a contract to supply six four-car electro-diesel multiple-units for use from mid-2023 on the partially electrified Santiago – Chillán line.

    Chilean operator orders electro-diesel multiple-units


    CHILE: National operator EFE has awarded CRRC Sifang a contract to supply six four-car electro-diesel multiple-units for use from mid-2023 on the partially electrified Santiago – Chillán line. The US$70m contract finalised in December includes maintenance. It has been awarded as part of a US$115m programme of ...

  • ar-subte-lineaD-alstom-1
    Metro Report International

    Customer service focus in next Subte operating concession


    ARGENTINA: Buenos Aires metro authority Subterráneos de Buenos Aires SE has agreed a new operating concession with the incumbent Metrovías, which is due to enter into force during the first quarter of 2021.

  • tn_br-Sao Paulo CPTM_7538-Zelki
    Metro Report International

    São Paulo tenders suburban operations


    BRAZIL: The São Paulo state government has called tenders for the operation and maintenance of two busy suburban lines, under a programme intended to attract private investment for enhancements. The state’s Secretaría de Transporte Metropolitano has invited bids for a 30-year concession to operate and maintain Line ...

  • Stadler Euro4001 locomotive impression

    Stadler to supply freight locomotives to Uruguay


    URUGUAY: Stadler has won its first contract in Uruguay, covering the supply of seven Euro4001 six-axle diesel locomotives which PORTREN will use to haul trains between UPM’s new pulp mill at Paso de los Toros and the port of Montevideo. PORTREN is a consortium of the Cointer ...

  • br-fiol-tracklaying-antt

    Work to start on Integration Railway’s western arm


    BRAZIL: Engineering company Valec is expected to start construction of the western arm of the Integration Railway (Ferrovia de Integraçao Centro-Oeste) in April 2021.

  • EFVM train on a viaduct (Photo: Vale)

    Minas Gerais plan includes passenger revival


    BRAZIL: Proposals for revitalising the rail network, including revival of both freight and passenger services, are being assessed in the state of Minas Gerais. Forming part of a Strategic Railway Plan for the state, the plans were presented at a hearing of the Extraordinary Commission for ...

  • pa Panama Line 3 monorail impression
    Metro Report International

    Panamá City monorail rolling stock and rail systems contract signed


    PANAMA: The HPH joint venture which is prime contractor for the Panamá City metro Line 3 monorail has signed a US$883m contract for Hitachi Ltd, Hitachi Rail STS and Mitsubishi Corp to supply rolling stock and railway systems. Hitachi and Hitachi Rail will provide 28 six-car trainsets, ...

  • co Metro de Bogotá impression2
    Metro Report International

    Bogotá metro train order placed


    COLOMBIA: China Harbour Engineering Co awarded CRRC Changchun a contract to supply 30 driverless trainsets for the future Bogotá metro Line 1 on October 30. Line 1 is to be built by the APCA Transmimetro consortium of China Harbour Engineering Co (85%) and ...

  • The work will be entrusted to Rumo Logística as the concessionaire for the Malha Paulista network.

    Reopenings will add capacity to São Paulo network


    BRAZIL: Governor of São Paulo state João Doria has announced that two moribund sections of the national rail network will be reinstated as part of a R$6bn plan to expand capacity within the state from 35 to 75 million tonnes of freight a year.

  • br Salvador monorail impression
    Metro Report International

    Salvador monorail design contract awarded


    BRAZIL: Salvador monorail PPP concessionaire leader BYD has awarded SENER a contract to prepare detailed designs for the railway systems. The 23·6 km straddle monorail with 25 stations will run from São João Island to an interchange with the existing metro lines 1 ...

  • uy-pulp-mill-paso-de-los-toros-upm

    Uruguayan freight operating contract awarded


    URUGUAY: Finnish paper group UPM has awarded a consortium of Christophersen Group, Cointer Concesiones and Deutsche Bahn International Operations a 22-year contract to move up to 3 million tonnes/year of wood pulp, chemicals and fuel between its future pulp mill at Paso de los Toros and the port of Montevideo.

  • br Paulista locos

    Tax deal helps pulp supplier source transport fleet


    BRAZIL: Wood pulp and cellulose production company Bracell has qualified for an incentive scheme offering tax benefits towards the acquisition of rolling stock needed to move pulp between Pederneiras and the port of Santos in São Paulo state on the Atlantic coast, a distance of around 400 ...

  • São Paulo Metro Line 4 (Photo: Benjamin Zelki)
    Metro Report International

    São Paulo Metro Line 6 concession reallocated


    BRAZIL: The state of São Paulo has signed a formal agreement transferring the concession to build, operate and maintain São Paulo metro Line 6 from the Move São Paulo consortium to the Acciona-led Concessionária Linha Universidade, with the aim of restarting the project which has been at ...

  • br passsenger agreement

    Brazilian passenger rail revival agreement


    BRAZIL: An agreement intended to pave the way for the eventual introduction of more passenger services on the national rail network has been signed by the ANPTrilhos association of passenger operators and the Ministry of Infrastructure. The technical co-operation agreement was signed on September 14 by ANPTrilhos ...

  • uy-ferrocarrilcentral-event-benoit (6)

    FS International completes Ferrocarril Central advisory work


    URUGUAY: FS Group has completed its six-month technical advisory contract covering work on the Ferrocarril Central upgrading project, the Italian state railway holding group said in early August. Its consulting arm FS International submitted a final report to the Ministry of Transport & Public Works in ...

  • br-sao paulo metro Line 4 Zelki
    Metro Report International

    São Paulo plans longer Line 20 following monorail cancellation


    Photo: Benjamin Zelki BRAZIL: A consortium of GPO, Geocompany and Geotec has been awarded a contract covering preliminary engineering design and an environmental impact study for the planned Line 20 metro in São Paulo. The contract is worth R$5∙3m and work is due for completion within 32 ...