Latest InnoTrans news

  • Moxa_TN-4900 series

    Moxa forges ahead with cybersecure technology at InnoTrans 2024


    INNOTRANS: ‘Forging Mobility Ahead’, is the slogan for Moxa’s presence at InnoTrans 2024, where it will be showing what it says is the world’s first router certified to IEC 62443-4-2 Security Level 2 for train control management systems and ethernet train backbone network management. It will ...

  • InnoTrans

    Australasian Railway Association organises study tours for InnoTrans delegates


    INNOTRANS: The Australasian Railway Association is organising events around InnoTrans 2024 to provide its members with an ‘outstanding business development opportunity’ where they can promote themselves to the global market, connect with decision-makers and build relationships with potential partners, suppliers and customers. ARA will organise a ...

  • Southeastern Class 395 EMUs on the Medway viaduct

    Australasian rail industry study tour to visit London and Paris


    INTERNATIONAL: The Australasian Railway Association is organising a study tour to London and Paris the week before InnoTrans, to provide delegates with insights into topics including interoperability, high speed rail, sustainability, infrastructure development and operations, as well as networking opportunities with industry leaders. The London leg ...

  • The integration of photorealistic computer-generated images created using the Unreal Engine into rail training simulators is to be showcased by Corys at InnoTrans 2024.

    Unreal experience at InnoTrans 2024


    INNOTRANS: The integration of photorealistic computer-generated images created using the Unreal Engine into rail training simulators is to be showcased by Corys at InnoTrans 2024. The company says this marks ’a significant advance that will make train driver training more attractive and effective’. An advanced scene ...

  • Plasser & Theurer machine (3)

    Plasser & Theurer aims to answer three questions at InnoTrans 2024


    INNOTRANS: ’Future track technology — now’ will be Plasser & Theurer’s slogan for InnoTrans 2024, where the track construction equipment and maintenance machine supplier will be aiming to answer three questions. These are: how can we react to the challenges posed by climate change as quickly ...

  • Shaking hands with a computer digital image

    AI Mobility Lab at InnoTrans 2024


    INNOTRANS: Companies involved in artificial intelligence, robotics, cybersecurity and data protection in the transport sector will be displaying their services in a dedicated AI Mobility Lab at the InnoTrans 2024 trade fair. Exhibitors in Hall 7.1a will include Konux, which offers AI for predictive maintenance, network ...

  • InnoTrans

    Railfluencer Festival to be held at InnoTrans 2024


    INNOTRANS: Influencers and bloggers will be able to meet leaders from the transport sector during the first international Railfluencer Festival, taking place at InnoTrans 2024. The festival is to be held on the morning of September 27. The programme will include a mix of lectures, photo ...

  • InnoTrans exhibition entrance

    InnoTrans 2024 to be more international than ever


    INNOTRANS: The InnoTrans 2024 trade fair will be the most international yet, with Messe Berlin reporting that more than 60% of booked exhibitors will come from outside Germany. According to the organiser, more than 99% of the display area covering 42 halls and a total of ...

  • InnoTrans 2022

    REMSA offers student trip to InnoTrans 2024


    INNOTRANS: The Railway Engineering-Maintenance Suppliers Association is offering an opportunity to attend InnoTrans 2024 to a student who intends to pursue a career in the sector. The next InnoTrans event will take place in Berlin on September 24-27 2024. The InnoTrans Career Award will include return ...

  • InnoTrans 2022

    InnoTrans 2024 exhibitor booking deadline approaches


    INNOTRANS: Trade fair organiser Messe Berlin reports that more than 90% of the available stand space at InnoTrans 2024 has now been booked. The deadline for exhibitors to submit an online application to display their products and services at next year’s event is September 22 2023. ...

  • InnoTrans

    ARA plans Australia and New Zealand pavilion at InnoTrans 2024


    INNOTRANS: The Australasian Railway Association will once again host a pavilion to showcase the Australian and New Zealand rail industry at InnoTrans 2024. ARA said it anticipates taking a strong delegation to Berlin, building on its success at the 2022 event. The organisation is seeking feedback ...

  • DB automation

    Automated train positioning trials


    GERMANY: Fully automated operation of regional passenger trains has moved a step closer with the launch this month of the AutomatedTrain project by Deutsche Bahn and partners from industry and research. Forming part of the Digital Schiene Deutschland (Digital Rail Germany) initiative, the project aims to ...

  • InnoTrans loogo on buffer

    InnoTrans 2024 to include AI Mobility Lab


    INNOTRANS: The InnoTrans 2024 trade fair will include an AI Mobility Lab, dedicated to the display and discussion of artificial intelligence, robotics, data protection and cybersecurity technologies. The AI Mobility Lab will form part of the Public Transport segment of the event in Hall 7.1a at ...

  • InnoTrans 2022

    Pitch for a rail career on InnoTrans digital platform


    INNOTRANS: People seeking rail careers will be able to pitch themselves to potential employers at the Eurailpress Career Boost digital event on September 26 2023. The digital event follows a successful premiere during InnoTrans 2022 in Berlin. Five candidates in each of five categories will present ...

  • InnoTrans

    High number of early bookings highlight the importance of InnoTrans


    INNOTRANS: Exhibitors have already reserved 80% of the display areas at InnoTrans 2024, a record for bookings this far ahead according to organiser Messe Berlin which reports a noticeable demand for larger stands. Registration for InnoTrans 2024 is open until September 22 2023. ‘We are delighted ...

  • Ermewa grain wagon (Photo Ermewa)

    Research to make wagon maintenance more efficient


    FRANCE: The Maintenance 4·0 project to improve the efficiency of condition-based and predictive wagon maintenance has been launched by manufacturer Inveho, leasing company Ermewa and French research institute IRT Railenium, building on an agreement signed at InnoTrans in September last year. Maintenance 4·0 aims to combine ...

  • IMG_9982
    In depth

    Comment: Taking the pulse in Berlin


    The global rail sector gathered in Berlin in September for InnoTrans for the first time in four years, in what the organisers termed ‘a spirit of optimism’. Our Executive Editor Nick Kingsley reflects on the week and the mood among the supply chain as the industry grapples with an era of macro-level instability.

  • SAR CEO Dr Bashar Al Malik
    In depth

    Saudi Arabia: SAR seeks international partners as expansion and privatisation plans develop


    Dr Bashar bin Khalid Al Malik, CEO of Saudi Arabia Railways speaks exclusively to Railway Gazette International about plans to expand the network, develop a regional supply sector and prepare for privatisation as part of the national Vision 2030 strategy.

  • JUMO_PI_2052_Thermometer_Bahn

    Advanced HVAC probes and sensors


    INNOTRANS: Fulda-based Jumo used September’s InnoTrans exhibition to highlight its range of air-conditioning sensors, probes and thermostats. These are designed to mitigate the effects of increasingly extreme weather in passenger vehicles. The company says its air-conditioning components are intended not only to reduce interior temperatures in ...

  • Harting (1)

    Weight saving and connectivity are key


    INNOTRANS: ‘We are seeing a greater focus on energy efficiency and digitalisation’, reported Ralf Klein, Managing Director of Harting Technology Group, talking to Railway Gazette International in Berlin. Outlining the company’s latest connector developments for the rail sector, he emphasised that ‘weight ...