All Tram/Light rail vehicle articles – Page 3

  • Dujiangyan M-TR Tourist Passenger Line tram interior (Photo M-TR) (1)
    Metro Report International

    Panda-themed tramway opens


    CHINA: The Dujiangyan M-TR Tourist Passenger Line tramway opened on May 15, serving attractions in a city 60 km northwest of Chengdu which is popular with visitors. The 13·8 km main route of the M-TR tramway starts at Bajiao Temple and runs ...

  • Leipzig tram for Dnipro (Photo LVB)
    Metro Report International

    Leipzig trams donated to Ukraine


    UKRAINE: Dnipro is taking delivery of 26 modernised Tatra T4D-M1 trams donated by the German city of Leipzig. These are in addition to Tatra T4D trams which the Ukrainian city bought from Leipzig in 2019. Dnipro’s tram fleet is composed almost entirely of trams built in ...

  • Bologna tramway impression
    Metro Report International

    Bologna issues tram tender to support emerging network


    ITALY: Bologna municipality has called tenders worth €246m for a framework contract covering the supply of up to 60 trams. They are intended for use on the Red Line, which is under construction, and the Green Line, for which civil works contracts are now in place. ...

  • Moderus tram delivered Berlin Woltersdorf line image Modertrans (2)
    Metro Report International

    Modertrans delivers first tram to Berlin – Woltersdorf line


    GERMANY: Modertrans has delivered the first Moderus Gamma LF 10 AC BD tram vehicle to Schöneicher–Rüdersdorf Strassenbahn, the manufacturer announced on April 10. SRS awarded Modertrans a contract in February 2022 for the supply of three low-floor trams for use on Route ...

  • Iași trams (Photo CTP Iași)
    Metro Report International

    Iași tram contract signed


    ROMANIA: The city of Iași has signed a 168m lei contract for Turkish company Bozankaya to supply 18 low-floor trams, co-financed by the National Recovery & Resilience Plan. They 22 m long unidirectional trams will have a capacity of 164 passengers including 45 seated. The first ...

  • tn_tram-painted-on-road_3ee251.jpg
    Metro Report International

    București tram contract finally awarded


    ROMANIA: Electroputere VFU Pașcani is to supply 40 low-floor trams to București, after national arbitration body CNSC ordered the disputed contract to be awarded. The contract worth an estimated 300m lei was originally to have been awarded in 2020, but the budget was insufficient and concerns ...

  • Sacramento Siemens Mobility S700 LRV
    Metro Report International

    Sacramento orders more low-floor LRVs


    USA: Sacramento Regional Transit District has ordered a further nine S700 low-floor light rail vehicles from Siemens Mobility, as part of a fleet renewal and capacity enhancement programme.

  • UKVZ Castor tram (Photo UKVZ)
    Metro Report International

    Castor tram on test


    RUSSIA: A Type 71-639 Castor tram developed by UKVZ has started dynamic testing in Chelyabinsk. At 25·75 m long and 2 500 mm wide, the Castor is the shortest three-section tram currently available for the Russian market. The six-axle 1 524 mm gauge vehicle has a ...

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    Metro Report International

    Izmit plans first metro line as tram network grows


    TURKEY: Plans to build a 26·8 km metro line in Kocaeli were announced by Turkey’s Minister of Transport & Infrastructure Abdulkadir Uraloğlu on March 20, ahead of local elections scheduled for March 31. Speaking at the inauguration of a 3·1 km tram line in Izmit, the ...

  • lu-luxtram-gare-centrale-HH-02
    Metro Report International

    Luxembourg: Luxtram eyes an expanding network


    As Luxembourg City’s first modern light rail line nears completion, work is getting underway on two branches to form a second route. Two more routes are being planned, along with an interurban link to the country’s second city.

  • St Louis Metro Transit Siemens Mobility LRVs (Image Siemens Mobility)
    Metro Report International

    St Louis orders light rail vehicles with onboard energy storage


    USA: Bi-State Development Agency has formally awarded Siemens Mobility a contract supply 55 high-floor light rail vehicles with battery onboard energy storage for the MetroLink network serving the greater St Louis region. Siemens was the sole bidder for the order, which the agency approved last year. ...

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    In depth

    Netherlands: TINA on course to reshape HTM tram fleet


    Dutch operator HTM has unveiled a mock-up of its next-generation trams from Stadler’s expanding modular TINA range. Dr Harry Hondius reports from Den Haag.

  • Le Mans tram (Photo Alstom)
    Metro Report International

    Le Mans trams to be lengthened to boost capacity


    FRANCE: Le Mans Métropole has awarded Alstom a €57m contract to extend the city’s 34 Citadis trams from 32 m to 44 m. This will increase capacity by 85 passengers to 296. The project also includes updates to the CCTV and tachometric control units and the ...

  • Bochum B80-Neo LRV refurbishment (Photo Bogestra) (3)
    Metro Report International

    Bochum light rail vehicle modernised as B80-Neo


    GERMANY: Stadler has completed work on the first of 25 Bochum light rail vehicles which it is to extensively modernise over the next four years. The B80D LRVs dating from the 1980s are being redesignated B80-Neo following the work which Stadler is undertaking in Berlin. ...

  • Visit of the production (3)
    Metro Report International

    Trams for three cities under construction


    GERMANY: Officials from Frankfurt an der Oder, Brandenburg and Cottbus have visited Škoda Group’s factory at Plzeň in the Czech Republic to see the first of the ForCity Plus FCB trams being produced under a joint order. An initial €110m contract for ...

  • Pesa delivers first new generation Twist to Wrocław image MPK Wrocław (2)
    Metro Report International

    Pesa delivers first new generation Twist tram to Wrocław


    POLAND: Pesa has delivered the first of 40 Twist 146N tram vehicles it is supplying to Wrocław. Operator MPK Wrocław awarded Pesą Bydgoszcz a 204m złoty firm order in December 2021 for the supply of 24 low-floor trams. It subsequently exercised options for 16 more, taking ...

  • Impression of Sachsen hydrogen tram (Image Hörmann Vehicle Engineering GmbH)
    Metro Report International

    Hydrogen tram development project underway


    GERMANY: The Hydrogen Tram for Next Generation project has been launched to develop a fuel cell-powered vehicle which would enable services to be extended into new areas and tram-train routes created without the need for electrification. The HyTraGen research project is led by Hörmann Vehicle Engineering. ...

  • Graz Alstom Flexity tram impression (Image Alstom)
    Metro Report International

    Graz signs ‘milestone’ tram contract


    AUSTRIA: Operator Graz Linien formally signed a contract for Alstom to supply and maintain 15 Flexity trams on January 31, when the future styling was unveiled. Alstom had been selected for the contract in May 2023. Production is to be undertaken in Wien from later this ...

  • Sheffield Supertram
    Metro Report International

    Sheffield Supertram refurbishment planned


    UK: South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority is seeking market feedback to help it draw up plans to extend the lives of the original Supertram fleet. SYMCA says the 25 Siemens–Düwag trams built for the opening of the Sheffield light rail network in 1994 are suffering from ...

  • BLT Stadler TINA tram (Photo BLT) (2)
    Metro Report International

    BLT begins testing Tina trams


    SWITZERLAND: Baselland tram operator BLT has begun testing the first of 25 Tina trams being supplied by Stadler. BLT was the first Swiss customer for the Tina (Total Integrierter Niederflur-Antrieb or total integrated low-floor drive) design, placing a SFr125m order in November 2021. The first of ...